2012 Year Ender : Unchangeable, Unworkable.
Here I am, writing a blog about change at 5 o'clock in the morning. I've been prepping myself up for this very moment I can write about my 2012, and talk about CHANGE and how much everybody loves the word. There are a lot of things that happened the past year that made me who I am today, and for a change, I decided not to give an overview about it. If someone asks me -- "looking back, what are the things you thought you might do better in the past?" I will answer -- "Given the chance to go back, I will do ALL of it again, the same way I did it..." I'm not saying that I've done things perfect, in fact it was not at all. But these imperfections, made me a better person today and they moved me. So the next time I almost fall for the same mistake, I know exactly the path it will turn about. That's when The Unchangeable and the Unworkable takes HIS place. This 2013, I would like to uphold to this bible verse: Numbers 23:19 (NIV) God is not a ma...