IPAD rivalry
Watch out for this new gadget from Blackberry named Black berry Playbook which will be released early 2011 at the US! Whew! This sure is one hell of a gadget. If the reviews will turn out what it was described to be, and it indeed has a 5- mega pixel camera! (which I think would be the edge of this gadget from Apple's IPAD ) Am sure a lot of photo enthusiasts would prefer buying this lovely gadget over IPAD. Here's a brief over view of the specifications for this gadget. *7-inch display *0.9-pound tablet that’s 9.7mm (or 0.4 inch) thick, complete with (as rumored) a pair of cameras: a 5-megapixel camera in the back, and a 3MP lens in front, both capable of recording HD Video *Has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, with both 3G and 4G