2008 in Reality

Part of the New Year enigma : Looking forward to better things this new year.
We always think of the things we want to do and not to do the next year. Most commonly known as "New year's resolution" For me, moving forward is hard to do most especially if we don't look back on the things done and learned in the past.

First, I've learned that the fruits of Patience are overwhelming.
I'm the kind of person who works hard to get what I wanted and expects big things in return. I've learned that not everyone will get what they wanted. But everyone will get what they deserve at the right time. Got promoted at long last! two years in the making ... :)
(April 2008)

Once in your life you'll meet genuine people. They are acquaintances whom you'll never forget. Probably because of their genuine hearts that you discover unintentionally.
(Team Alan Anis VBBE&E October 2007 - January 2008)

Friends come in different packages. Some friends stay, there are those who left and are being left out due to indifference. There are those friends whom you feel comfortable amidst years of missing out with each other and there are "friends-with-benefit" type of friends. I've learned the difference between real and fictional friends and learned to treasure the real ones.

Good old friends:. We seldom see each other but when opportunity allows us, we'll speak our hearts out. No pretensions.
(Thanks to:Vic with the go nuts bonding, Joyce with the OTG experience)

Office pals: Kiko and lorena who made my working experience stress-free. From good times and bad times, for richer and for poorer..... :p

Happiness is more than what we expected. Sometimes we thought that we have reached the extreme happiness in life we can have (through family) but there is more in life that can make us fulfilled and extremely happy. These are the little things that we never thought would ever happen and never thought we'd took part of. Well, its all worth it!
(Gawad Kalinga Outreach program : November 17, 2008)

Major things I've learned the past year

1. Being overly Nice is unacceptable.
2. Work diligently during the day but dont over work yourself.
3. Spend Quality time with your family.
4. Dont forget your friends and spend time with them.
5. Know who your friends are and dont be too trustful.
6. Appreciate little things in life.

Loking forward another fruitful year!


  1. Appreciate little things in life. <-- This is what i really like.. Being contented with what you have is really hard but i bet lots of people are lacking of what you have right now. So be thankful. GK


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