I'm moving on.. this time it felt ohh so real!

I can say that I haven't really moved on since the day my previous employer decided to let me go, considering the skills I share is  soooo incomparable! (nobody react please! It's one way to boost ones ego you know...LOL) hahah.

Seriously, No one can ever really move on until you find another employer where you can do the things you love the most and start where you left off. Until this day, I haven't really found another employer, and I'm not dying to (just so you know) I'm still enjoying the things I share with my daughter gabby. So I can say that I'm not a hundred percent sure If I've moved on or not. But I'm getting there. I've taken a big leap in search of the career I've been longing the most and taken cared of for the longest time. There are stages in Moving on. I'm sure everyone must go through these stages in order to completely move on.

Step 1:
Indeed It's hard to be happy if u feel, deep inside your heart that you left your Happiness where you came from but there's no way you can turn back and have a glimpse of it. There's no way you can look for your happiness, so I say make them! Make things happen by looking for ways on how you'll make yourself great. Tone up, do a hobby and pick up from where you left off.

Step 2:
I find it therapeutic when you clean your stuff and organize. Whether it's an old letter from a friend, pictures, gifts. Anything that would make you remember a hurting experience keep them and put it in a safe place. Safe from you hahaha! I'm not saying that you throw them, but you organize. It's like putting these things in a place they deserve, somewhere in the past and definitely not in your present.

Step 3:
After you've organized everything and set your mind straight to the present. Simply, let go. But don't forget. Acceptance can happen anywhere between these three stages, but then you can only move on if you have accepted that these changes happen for a reason, and that It's what life is all about.

Till next time!
see ya..


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