Karate Kid- The better late than never Review

I just  had a DVD copy of Karate Kid starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan and watched it last night. * I know, its was like decades since this show was released on the big screen and I would say I 've been out of the movie circulation since I started to be a house-mom. 

Well anyways, here's what I think about this movie. 
I've seen a lot of comments in facebook regarding this movie and honestly several months ago, and these mediocre comments I've seen made me decide not to watch this movie since there's nothing extra - ordinary about it * I think.

When I watched the movie, the very drive I had that made me go on watching  was when I saw how cute Jaden Smith was and how great he played the role of a prodigal-son like Dre. 

Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) also did a great job in acting such a grumpy- old man who doesn't seem to know how to have fun in life. 

Aside from the beautiful picture of  The Great Wall of China that was captured on this film, I felt that there's a lot of heart planted on this movie. For some reason, a teardrop fell on my cheeks when the boy Dre (Jaden Smith) fought hard even though he's hurting in order to win the tournament he and Mr. Han had joined. Although there are minimal Kung-fu breath-taking stunts in this movie, still it made a difference when the movie taught me this very valuable lesson in life: You can only gain respect without asking for it. Mr. Han was a maintenance man. Who would ever think that he'll gain the respect of those professionally Kung-fu trained teenagers at the end of the tournament when Dre was able to bring home the bacon? It was a very beautiful and heart-warming scene watching these kids (the kids, including Dre's greatest opponent during the movie) bow down to Mr. Han and payed their homage.

Lessons I have learned in this Movie: 

1. Never Judge a person with what we can see with our naked eyes, 
We can only tell how good or ugly a person can look, but we can never tell how\good his / her heart was until we get to know them. There are many reasons why they act in certain ways, only then can we justify their acts, attitudes and outlook in life.

2. Respect is earned and can only be given free-willed. 
Mr. Han did not say a word when he was asked to fight in a tournament. Even though he knows how a great teacher he was, it wasn't obvious and he didn't bother bragging about it. It was only after the tournament that his greatness eluded.

I have made a research about this Martial arts  and to all those who commented: "The movie should be entitled Kung fu instead of Karate Kid" you can click HERE to know the difference of these two Martial arts.

Till my next blog!
Mica- the now Martial lover


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