Mother's day 2012

Its been quite awhile since gab and I really had a nice bonding moment.  Having a life changing experience is not an excuse, though it had become a factor. Mother's day is one way of reminding me of a blessing I need to continue doing and it has to be done carefully, because failure is not an option. Being a mom is not an easy task, I admit that I am still in a work in progress. But being surrounded by the people who would encourage and give all the support I needed, I am up to the challenge!

As a mom, there are a lot of things I've learned while raising my child alone.

1. There is wisdom in a child's voice.
Gab talks a lot, sometimes I thought she talks just to have an opportunity to be heard, most especially if she wanted to be a part of an adult conversation... But there are times, when gab talks and it pinched my heart.  That's when I've learned, there is indeed a wisdom in what she's saying.
You will never know what's inside a child's mind until you started listening.

2. Your child can feel you, even when you are not talking.
One of the major challenges for single moms comes around when we failed to hide our emotions because there's nobody else you can share it with. When that happened, your child can feel the pain. and without you realizing it, your tears just cant stop falling while you're hugging tightly.

3. A mother has to be a good cleaner.
For starting moms like me, there are no easy roads. There are a lot of times you'll stumble down and make a mess in life. One thing I've learned, no matter how deep your pitfall is, make sure you come back around  and do whatever it takes to be back on track. You have to do it, because you simply have to. Just remember, not to make the fall twice.

4. Your child: they can be all that you need.
This statement is a powerful force that leads all mothers back to where they should be. Most especially at times when things get rough in life. Just by thinking of your child, creates a light that leads us back to reality.

With the things I've learned as a mother,
I say I am blessed to have gab as my daughter and I thank God for letting me handle this challenging yet wonderful task. :)

My source of joy


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