2012 Year Ender : Unchangeable, Unworkable.

Here I am, writing a blog about change at 5 o'clock in the morning.

I've been prepping myself up for this very moment I can write about my 2012, and talk about CHANGE and how much everybody loves the word.

There are a lot of things that happened the past year that made me who I am today, and for a change, I decided not to give an overview about it. If someone asks me -- "looking back, what are the things you thought you might do better in the past?" I will answer -- "Given the chance to go back, I will do ALL of it again, the same way I did it..." I'm not saying that I've done things perfect, in fact it was not at all.

But these imperfections, made me a better person today and they moved me. So the next time I almost fall for the same mistake, I know exactly the path it will turn about. That's when The Unchangeable and the Unworkable takes HIS place.

This 2013, I would like to uphold to this bible verse: 
 Numbers 23:19 (NIV)
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

God is never changing, He would always be the same God we turned to last year, and the exact same God who will be with us this year. Amidst the ever changing world, only one remains the same and that is the love for man that He died at the cross to save us. This upcoming year, I leave my old, imperfect self behind and cling into the ONE who never Change, Hoping, that I too maybe changed and become more like Him until He sees glory into this life He gave me.

My 2013 is lifted up to HIM!
To God be the praises and the Glory.


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