
Who are Christians? What are they made of?
The most common question asked when we mention the word- Christian. 

As a believer of Christ, I say a Christian is someone who knows the word of Christ through reading the bible and lives through it by following it intentionally and unintentionally. Intentionally following Jesus is easy most especially when the path we are going through is easy, abundant and overflowing with Blessings. While unintentionally following Christ happens when Christians makes wrong choices in life (because of human failures) but through the grace of God He leads us right back on track, back to Him.  The term "Blessed" is usually experienced or is perceived by the people who are following Jesus. But the term itself  is subjective to the level of relationship we established with the Lord. I used to believe that the term "Blessing" is something that is tangible and beautiful. I look up to Christian Pastors, Motivational Speakers, Family, Friends who are Blessed in all aspects of life (Family, Financial, Emotional, Spiritual) but the Lord recently revealed to me through prayer, with the help of Christian fellowship, that Tangible Blessings are only a bi-product of our Inner Relationship with the Lord. TIME and RELATIONSHIPS are the highest form of blessing we can get when we truly follow Christ.  Surprisingly, these two, as simple as they seem, are the ones that are the hardest to attain in this life. 

Christianity, is both a blessing and a sacrifice. Now who are these followers of Christ that are proclaiming they are Christians? We are followers of Jesus who has our own flaws. We have our own ups and downs because we are only human. We are sinners, not saints and that doesn't exempt us from sinning against others or even the Lord.  But were forgiven and saved because of the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. Our humane capabilities, they fail. In fact we may fail a lot of times. But through the grace of God, we are forgiven and we are always loved.

I am a Christian. And this is my journey.  I am made to worship, to follow and to speak of God's greatness in my life. I am happy to face each steps, each fall backs, each afflictions knowing that each time I fail,  I will come out stronger, more confident, much more deserving of God's Best in my life. 

and my eyes they look unto you always and I am captured by your majesty.
All of  sing of your greatness.
All of my days  I will speak of your grace
All of my days I will tell of your wondrous love. 
Your love in my llfe...

               All of my days - Hillsong - Darlène Zschech


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